Bullshit ”Mariehem/Berghem” - 40 SEK
Oi! Punk band from Umeå, formed in 1990. The last remaining copies of this 4-track EP was preceeded by 2 vinyl LPs ”United – the voice of Oi!” and ”Target” recorded at Garageland Records and released in the 90´s. Bullshit were on tour in Germany with british oi-legends Red Alert in 1994, supported by italian band Klasse Kriminale. Songs: Mariehem/Berghem, Dream Bank Holiday, We Are The Rats, Roky. The last song includes a bridge taken from the Roky Erickson song The Wind And More, and Roky listened to the song himself before approving the release. Members from Guttersnipe, Garbage Pailkids and Tarmvred. The band is still active - look out for the 35-year celebration gig in 2025. And check out the Bullshit t-shirt under Merch.
EPn finns att köpa i butik på Burmans Musik, Umeå.
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Exempel: 1 EP porto 59 kr, 2 EP porto 59 kr. Spårbar försändelse.
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Bullshit ”Mariehem/Berghem” - 40 SEK
Oi! Punk band from Umeå, formed in 1990. The last remaining copies of this 4-track EP was preceeded by 2 vinyl LPs ”United – the voice of Oi!” and ”Target” recorded at Garageland Records and released in the 90´s. Bullshit were on tour in Germany with british oi-legends Red Alert in 1994, supported by italian band Klasse Kriminale. Songs: Mariehem/Berghem, Dream Bank Holiday, We Are The Rats, Roky. The last song includes a bridge taken from the Roky Erickson song The Wind And More, and Roky listened to the song himself before approving the release. Members from Guttersnipe, Garbage Pailkids and Tarmvred. The band is still active - look out for the 35-year celebration gig in 2025. And check out the Bullshit t-shirt under Merch.
EPn finns att köpa i butik på Burmans Musik, Umeå.
Inrikes leverans:
Maila beställning med namn/adress/postadress/mobil nr via kontaktformuläret på hemsidan, betala mailfakturan inklusive fraktkostnad som skickas till dig. Postnords aktuella avgifter gäller.
Exempel: 1 EP porto 59 kr, 2 EP porto 59 kr. Spårbar försändelse.
International delivery:
E-mail us via the contact form to get a cost statement for tracked shipping to your destination.